To ensure the safety of your funds, always use the supported network for each cryptocurrency when depositing.

Transactions on unsupported networks may lead to the permanent loss of your assets.

  • Unsupported Networks on BitOasis

The following networks are currently not supported on BitOasis:

  1. Polygon Network
  2. Avalanche Network
  3. Fantom Network
  4. Arbitrum Network
  5. Optimism Network
  6. Cosmos Network 
  7. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 Network
  8. Basescan Network
  9. OpBNB Network
  10. Omni Network

If you accidentally transfer funds on an unsupported network:

  • Recovery may be possible under certain conditions and applicable fees.
  • In some cases, recovery is not possible.

Always verify your Wallet - Receive (Token Name) section as per the screenshot provided below.

For assistance, contact the Support team immediately.