Profit and Loss (PnL) offers traders a clear view of their financial performance, allowing them to determine the profitability of their investments and trading activities. 

To access your PnL analysis, simply tap the PnL icon located at the top right corner. The first thing you'll see is "Today’s PnL," giving you an immediate snapshot of your current day's financial outcome.

Utilize our PnL analysis feature on BitOasis Pro to gain insightful understanding of your trading performance. This powerful tool allows you to track your Profit and Loss at both daily and cumulative levels.

Daily PnL provides a snapshot of your Pro portfolio's performance on a day-to-day basis. It compares your current wallet balance with the balance from the end of the previous day (12:00 AM UTC), helping you see how and why your portfolio's value has changed, and the impact of closing your positions each day.

Today’s PnL is calculated similarly to Daily PnL, but it uses your live portfolio value instead of the end-of-day value, offering a real-time look at your financial standing.

Cumulative PnL presents a comprehensive view of your wallet's performance over time, summing up all your daily PnLs and reflecting the total outcome of your trading activities, including every buy and sell action. This holistic approach helps you understand the long-term trajectory of your trading success.

You can view your Daily and Cumulative PnL as shown below:

Realized PnL represents the gains or losses you've pocketed from buying or selling within a specific day.

Unrealized PnL on the other hand, mirrors the variance between your current asset value and the average cost nestled within your crypto wallet.

Keep in mind: PnL exclusively reflects actions carried out on BitOasis Pro. Trades on Lite and cryptocurrency deposits untouched by Pro remain outside its purview.

If you require any further clarification or information, feel free to contact us Here.